Saturday, September 1, 2007


Here I am, making my first blog post! How very exciting! I hope that my audience will find this blog helpful and informational.

A little background history: I am a psychology student at Kennesaw State University, taking courses in the evenings and working full time during the day. Because of this hectic schedule I have found that in order to get great deals on the things I need and love, it's a lot easier to shop online! I use a lot of different sites to find what I need for the best possible price. I was raised in a lower-middle class home in a upper-middle class neighborhood. My mom instilled a firm sense of value in me, so to this day I still analyze and scrutinize over each purchase, making sure that it's really worth what I'm about to pay. Sometimes it gets ridiculous, but most of the time I get great items for great prices!

In the recent years, the use of the Internet by the "common person" has grown in leaps and bounds. However, from speaking to friends and acquaintances it seems that a lot of people are still wary about shopping and purchasing online. Some seem to be skeptical about the value, others worry about privacy and security. I'd like to help alleviate some of these concerns and put together a guide for those wanting to save a little money and make sure they are getting the best deals!

Some things I'll be including:
  • Reviews of shopping websites and how to use them to the buyer's advantage.
  • Overview of common pitfalls and con-artist techniques to avoid.
  • Techniques for searching and purchasing to get the best value.
If there's anything specific any of you are curious about, please ask me - I want my blog to be helpful!